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Blog Reboot 155.232

Let me start by saying no, this is not the 155+ time I have rebooted my blog. I mean, it might be, but I stopped counting after the fifth time. 155.232 is the call number for all things related to procrastination. (If you are curious how to overcome procrastination, check out 640.43.)

Procrastination is an epidemic that plagues a lot of the people I know. But thank goodness I have friends who are up and at ‘em and checking things off their to-do list left and right. I need those people.

They shame me into doing something, anything, when I don't want to. (Not on purpose, mind you. they are just being them, which I love them for.)

Blogging is something that I have the best of intentions of doing, and actually like doing, but put off until another time, inevitably finding 101 other things to do instead. So I’m going to try again. And I will keep trying again and again until I finally make it a part of my daily routine.

Most of the times I'll stick to topics on writing and books and all the fun that goes along with being an author. Once in a while, I'll go completely off the rails and onto a different topic. . But all the words will be me, mostly uncensored and hopefully resisting putting off today what I can do next year.

So, for those of you just joining me, here’s the quick rundown on who I am and what I do.

I’m a homeschooling mom of 2 who currently works at a public library, though I will be leaving one of the best jobs I have ever had at the end of the month to pursue writing full-time writing. Like an librarian/writer worth her weight in gold, I spend way too much money on books and my TBR list is bigger than I can possibly get through in a lifetime. But that doesn’t stop me from bringing home more every time I go to a convention or conference. My debut novel, It’s A Wonderful Death, came out in October of 2015 and I have been enjoying living the dream ever since.

I am currently obsessed with three things: 1. The Election Process; 2. Audiobooks; and 3. Pokemon Go! (Don’t judge. It’s a good way to exercise, which I hate, and spend time with my kidlets, which I love.)

And let me just answer the question I get all the time: “You work, write, and homeschool? How do you do it all?” That answer is easy: “I’m a horrible housekeeper. It was the first to go when the world got busy.” And yes, we use more paper plates than I care to admit, but we're also planting two trees on Arbor day so hopefully we can help make up for that.

Oh, and I’m also on a crusade to rid my house of stuff. That will more definitely show up in this blog from time to time.

But I have stolen more of your time than I deserve. So I will bid you goodbye until the next time you stop by and/or I get the next post up! Ciao for now!

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